# 我为什么会选择 cs 课程?
我是从小学大概三四年级(18 年?)开始接触电脑吧,就产生了浓厚的兴趣。那时候智能手机其实早已兴起,全世界掀起了智能手机热潮,Apple 推出了 iphone7 (现在还留着一台用 infuse 看番) iphone8,微信支付已经遍及千家万户。然后,理所当然,电脑这个又笨重又贵的东西渐渐得被时代潮流淘汰了,那些年人们讨论的更多的是新一代 iphone 和某国产品牌哪家强,而不是 intel 又推出新一代 u、NVIDIA 推出 20 代显卡了
喜爱计算机大部分是遗传吧。我爹从小没见过手机电脑,一遇上就一发不可收拾,当然也深深感染了我。。他经常买配件装机,让后搞 nas、翻墙、下 bt,带我看电影 —— 生化危机、终结者、异星觉醒 都 tm 是重口。。我当时才三年级啊啊啊啊然后,我就渐渐开始接触电脑游戏,pvz,Minecraft,GTA,以及,4399 唯一真神的死神 vs 火影,战火英雄,生死狙击。毕竟玩游戏需要技术支持,对硬件软件操作系统需要一定了解,就慢慢开始接触了 cs
编不下去了,反正最后选择了 cs 课程,希望能开开心心的学习。当然,我会在博客上记录我学习过程的点滴
# Lesson 1:Cyber Crime
# 第一版:
Type of crime:
# Identity theft
What type of people are targeted:
Additionally,government staff has the power to get our idenity
How are people targeted:
Signing apps and websites with personal information.
How to prevent from it:
This is actually inevitable for some reason,because we can’t work without certain apps.Here are some tips to try to avoid leakage of private details:
·Try to use safe browser such as tor/duckduckgo.
·Do not tell any net-friend your name,address and so on,even if you trust them.
·register services with an email that dont’t need your phone number
Type of crime:
# Iternet fraud
What type of people are targeted:
How are people targeted:
Those who are without suspiction
How to prevent from it:
· Remember”there is no such thing as a free lunch”,
do not response any of the scam messages.
Type of crime:
# Theft and sale of corporate data.
What type of people are targeted:
Large company servers/workers
How are people targeted:
Holding sensitive data/business secrets
How to prevent from it:
·Make sure to enable 2FA for your account.
·Do not show any sensitive data to neither your friends or companion,not even your family.
Type of crime:
# Ransomware attacks
What type of people are targeted:
Beginner in computers
Android users
How are people targeted:
By pretending virus is an unlocked apk/exe file
How to prevent from it:
·Do not donwload any unknowed apps
·Be sure to install antivirus softwares if you’re not very knowledgeable about computers
Type of crime:
# Pirate
What type of people are targeted:
How are people targeted:
Downloading bt files.
How to prevent from it:
Downloading pirated content (movies, games, music) is illegal and exposes you to potential hacker attacks, especially if you are not using a VPN.Support official products.